Homemade Easter gift ideas for adults
What is the perfect gift for Easter? Traditionally at Easter people don’t receive large gifts. However, your loved ones will be delighted to get a small gift. In this article you will find inspiration for small Easter gifts for adults, which are also suitable as small gifts for any guests who will be attending your Easter brunch.
Putting an individual Easter gift hamper together
Would you like to surprise your loved ones with an Easter treat or thank your hosts for a delicious Easter brunch? Hampers are great gifts especially at Easter as it is a great way to say thank you to your family and friends.

Making a homemade Easter hamper
Natural materials will match the occasion and bamboo or wicker baskets always look very stylish. You can use fresh twigs, dried flowers or ribbons to decorate the basket. It is a good idea to line the inside of the basket with fabric to protect any delicate items. This will help to prevent any uneven wood from scratching or creating marks on the gifts.
Small Easter gift ideas
Easter is all about giving small thoughtful gifts and spending time with loved ones. A lot of people at Easter time look forward to spring and pleasant sunny days. Get inspired by our gift ideas below, which will also help you to get into the Easter spirit:

Sportswear & accessories: a compress shirt, multifunction scarf, cap and a reusable water bottle for walks and short hikes
Clothes & accessories: a scarf or neckerchief, sun hat, sunglasses and a picnic blanket for an afternoon in the park
Beauty & pampering: shopping bag, voucher, earrings that make a statement beauty or pampering gift set, for example facemasks, bath salts and a make-up headband are perfect for those who enjoy beauty and fashion or spa weekends
Food lovers: herbal tea mix, packs of seeds for a windowsill, homemade jam or pesto made from spring herbs, individually designed egg cups are all perfect for foodies.
Decorations: photo frames with pressed spring flowers, upcycling vases or flower pots, individually designed Easter cushion covers or an Easter wreath are all perfect for those who love decorating.
Colourful Easter eggs, sweets and small gifts in Easter baskets are all great gift ideas for children. If you are still looking for the perfect Easter gift for your child, you'll find plenty of inspiration for boys and girls in the following articles "Easter gifts for children" and "Easter baskets - DIY ideas & tips for Easter gifts ".
Homemade delicious Easter surprises fresh from the kitchen
Easter traditionally marks the end of Lent, which is why Easter Sunday is often celebrated with an Easter brunch. That's why individual homemade Easter treats are a great gift idea for Easter. Below we have put two deliciously creative ideas together so that you can make some delicious treats for Easter:

Making homemade jam
This delicious jam recipe not only has a fantastically fruity taste, but it also has a striking orange colour. Carrot jam is also a perfect choice for Easter.
500 g carrots
250 g apples with a sour taste
25 g fresh ginger
1 organic orange
1 organic lime or lemon
400 g jam sugar 2:1
Start off by peeling the carrots, apples and ginger and then finely grate them.
Grate the orange peel.
Squeeze the juice out of the orange and lime or lemon.
Pour the grated ingredients and the juices into a large pot and then mix them together.
Add the jam sugar and continue stirring the mixture whilst bringing it to the boil.
Leave the jam to boil for about 5 minutes and then spoon a little bit of the jam onto a saucer. The jam should have of set and it should no longer be runny.
If the jam hasn’t set let it boil for another couple of minutes and then do a saucer check again to see if it has set.
Once the jam is finished you can then purée it if you prefer a smoother taste.
Finally fill some thoroughly rinsed out jars with the jam and then turn them upside down for about 5 minutes.
This jam recipe is enough for about 5 to 6 jam jars (approx. 200 to 220 ml each).

Jazz up your jam jars
If you have any spare pieces of fabric left over from your other upcycling projects, you can use them to beautifully decorate your Easter jam jars. Traditionally jam jars have a small fabric cover over the lid, which quite often has a checkered pattern. You can make them yourself out of spare pieces of fabric, for example old checkered shirts, blouses or fabrics with a floral design. These fabric covers will give your jam jars a classic vintage look.
What you will need:
Spare pieces of fabric
Cardboard, compass and a pencil
A pair of serrated dressmaking scissors
Thin elastic bands
Jute twine, parcel string or some ribbon
Start by measuring the diameter of your jam jar. Then add between 2 and 4 cm to all sides so that the fabric cover will be enough to cover the rim of the jam jar.
Use the diameter to make a template for the fabric covers. For example, you can cut a piece of cardboard into a circle or a square.
Use the template to carefully trace the outline onto your spare pieces of fabric with a pencil.
Next cut out the circle or square with a pair of dressmaking scissors. The zigzag edge will prevent fraying on most pieces of fabric.
Once you have your filled jars with jam, you can now put your upcycled fabric lids onto the top of the jar with an elastic band.
If you would like to cover up the elastic band you can do this with a piece of jute twine or some ribbon.

How to make a deliciously crunchy Easter surprise
Give this recipe below a go if you would like to make a homemade delicious Easter treat and you don’t have a lot of time. This great Easter gift idea for adults is crunchy and delicious. You can also vary the ingredients depending on who will be receiving this as a gift.

Ingredients (1 baking tray):
100 g oats
100 g mini salted pretzels
100 g nuts, for example, peanuts or blanched almonds
1 bar of white chooclate
100 g popcorn or puffed wheat
100 g small chocolate lentils or mini chocolate eggs
Optional – sprinkles
Start off by putting the oats, nuts, mini salted pretzels and popcorn into a large bowl.
Next break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it in a bowl over a pan of hot water on the hob, but make sure to occasionally stir it.
Mix the melted chocolate gradually with the other ingredients.
Spread the Easter crunch surprise mixture onto a piece of non-stick baking paper on a baking tray.
Now finish off by decorating it with some sprinkles and chocolate lentils or mini chocolate eggs.
Finally leave the Easter crunch surprise to cool for at least 4 hours. Afterwards you can carefully break the baked mixture into pieces and put them into small gift bags.
Easter flower bouquets
Putting a bouquet of flowers together is also a great gift idea for Easter. A bouquet of flowers always looks great in a matching pot or vase. You can transform a swing top jar or an old screw topped jar into a chic flower vase with just a little paint. For a more natural look you can use chalk paint in earthy tones such as creamy white, sandy colours or a reddish brown. Alternatively, you could add your Easter wishes with a paint marker to your individually designed Easter vase.

In no time at all you can individually design vases and pots with just a few things. The individually designed vases or pots are a lovely gift idea and they can also be used time and time again.
Going on a family walk and picking flowers along the way to make a colourful Easter bouquet is a great activity that can be done as a family. This is also a great way for children to spend time outside in the fresh air and to learn more about flowers and plants. If you prefer to pick your own flowers to make your own bouquet of flowers make sure to check in your local area which flowers and plants are protected as these are not allowed to be picked.
Conclusion: small Easter gifts for adults
Small gifts at Easter are a great way of saying thank you to family and friends for organising a delicious Easter brunch. Easter gifts don't have to be expensive or over the top. Individually designed gifts are great for Easter as they are a lovely surprise that will put a smile on anyone’s face and they will also show the time and effort you have put into the gift.
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