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Easter decorations: 3 creative homemade Easter decoration ideas.

3 creative ideas for individual Easter decorations

Easter decorations don't need to be brightly coloured to match the theme of spring. Instead you can use soft colours and natural materials that go well with any interior design. We will show you a modern twist on a classic Easter wreath, a craft idea for an Easter Bunny pendant for a flower pot and a clever upcycling idea for your living room with step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow.

Making homemade Easter decorations: arts and crafts supplies on a table.


Easter decorations: a finished Easter wreath.

Making an Easter wreath out of natural materials

When people think of an Easter wreath most people will think of cakes and pastries, which have been made into a wreath shape. These types of food are traditionally served at Easter. However, you can also create a decorative Easter wreath, which you can then use as a table decoration or you can hang it up on your front door.

Making homemade Easter decorations out of natural materials: materials needed to make a homemade Easter wreath.

Materials needed to make an Easter wreath

You will need to use wooden balls to get a wreath shape for your Easter wreath. You can then decorate it with various natural materials such as greenery, catkins, blown-out quail eggs or feathers. This will allow you to get creative and to design it to suit your individual taste.

Materials needed:

  • Wooden balls with a hole

  • Thick wire for threading, e.g. garden wire

  • Craft wire

  • String and ribbon

  • Tongs

  • Natural materials for decorating, e.g. eucalyptus, catkins and feathers

  • Glue gun

Making Easter decorations out of natural materials: how to make an Easter wreath.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make an Easter wreath

Step 1

Start by cutting a piece of wire that will fit your wreath. You will need around 95cm of wire if your wreath has a diameter of 30 cm.

Making a homemade Easter wreath: threading wooden balls onto the piece of wire.

Step 2

Next thread the wooden balls onto the piece of wire and bend the pieces of wire carefully.

Making a homemade Easter wreath: the ends of wire need to be twisted.

Step 3

Using a pair of pliers twist the two ends of the wire so that it does not become loose.

Making a homemade Easter wreath: using a piece of ribbon to cover the piece of wire.

Step 4

Cover the end pieces of the wire with a piece of ribbon. You can also use a slightly longer piece of ribbon, which can then be used as a hook to hang up your homemade Easter wreath.

Making homemade Easter decorations out of natural materials: an Easter wreath decorated with some greenery.

Step 5

Next add some decorative elements such as catkins, greenery or twigs with a piece of thin craft wire.

Making a homemade Easter wreath: a finished homemade Easter wreath made out of natural materials.

Step 6

You can add other decorative elements such as quail eggs or feathers with a glue gun.

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You can also slightly vary the shape of your homemade Easter wreath depending on how you bend the wire whilst threading it. Your Easter wreath doesn't have to be perfectly round, but it can also have a slight oval shape like an Easter egg. This is a great way to add another classic Easter motif to your homemade Easter decorations.

Easy Easter Bunny arts and crafts idea: making flower pot pendants for Easter.

Making an Easter Bunny shaped flower pot pendant for Easter

This flower pot pendant is a great arts and crafts idea that will spice up your existing decorations and give your room a great look. This creative Easter pendant will definitely put a smile on your children’s or Easter brunch guests’ faces when they see it.

Making Easter Bunnies out of modelling clay: materials needed.

Making an Easter Bunny pendant for your plant pot

Materials needed:

  • Air hardening clay or modelling clay

  • Thick paper or cardboard to be used as a template

  • (Modelling) knife for cutting

  • Baking paper

  • Acrylic roller, rolling pin or an empty glass bottle for rolling out

  • Clear varnish for sealing


If you don't have any air hardening clay you can also use salt dough to make your Easter Bunny. You can find a recipe for salt dough in the following article: ‘’Easter craft ideas for children“.

Easy to make Easter Bunny pendant: a finished Easter Bunny pendant.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make an Easter Bunny pendant

To get started on making your Easter Bunny pendant you will first need a template. You can either find a template of an Easter Bunny online or you could draw an outline of a jumping bunny. However, make sure that your bunny doesn’t have too many details otherwise it will be quite difficult to cut out.

  1. Start by carefully cutting out the outline of the bunny.

  2. Roll out the modelling clay with an acrylic roller or an empty glass bottle to a thickness of about half a centimetre.

  3. Gently press your cut out bunny onto the dough.

  4. Cut out your Easter Bunny shape by carefully cutting along the edges with a (modelling) knife.

  5. Carefully remove your cutout shape from the rest of the modelling clay.

  6. Slightly bend the arms on the bunny so that it can be hung on a plant pot or a vase.

  7. Leave the modelling clay to dry for at least 24 hours, but make sure to always follow the instruction on the packet. Lastly you can paint your pendant in either a neutral or spring colours and seal it with some clear varnish.

Tip: One of the easiest ways to fix the arms on the Easter Bunny around the top of a vase or plant pot is to gently press down on the arms and then leave it to dry. This will help your Easter Bunny pendant to get the right shape.

Homemade Easter decorations: a finished homemade Easter cushion cover.

Creative upcycling idea for an Easter themed cushion cover

This creative upcycling idea will get you into the Easter spirit and it will create a welcoming and spring-like atmosphere in your living room. This cushion cover is also practical as it gives old clothes and spare pieces of material a new life. The best part about this creative ides is that it does not require any sewing.

Making homemade Easter decorations: materials needed to make a homemade Easter cushion cover.

Materials needed to make a homemade Easter cushion cover

To start off you will need some spare pieces of material that need to be at least 80 x 80 cm so that you can make a cushion cover for a 50 x 50 cm cushion. However, the amount of fabric you will need also depends on the size of the cushion.

  • Cotton or old clothes such as T-shirts, dresses or a skirts

  • Cushion

  • A pair of scissors

  • Template made out of cardboard

  • Shoe laces or spare pieces of material

  • Fabric glue

Tip: You can also decorate your homemade Easter cushion cover with other decorative elements such as colourful pompoms, tassels or cutout pieces of material. You can then add these to your cushion cover with some textile glue or with a glue gun. This way you can also use pieces of patterned fabrics that are too small to be used to make individual cushion covers.

Making homemade Easter decorations: this Easter cushion cover is made out of spare pieces of material and it can be completed without a sewing machine.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make an Easter cushion cover

Step 1

  • Cut the chosen spare pieces of material into two squares, each measuring 80 x 80 cm.

  • Place the cutout square pieces of material on top of each other. Using a template, cut out 10 x 10 cm squares on all sides on the two pieces of material.

Making homemade Easter decorations: cut up your spare pieces of material into squares.

Step 2

Cut fringes along the edges of both cushion outlines. These should be about 1 cm wide and 10 cm long.

Making homemade Easter decorations: tying the fringes on your cushion cover.

Step 3

Place the cushion between the two pieces of fabric and tie the opposite fringes together.

Making homemade Easter decorations: decorating your Easter cushion cover.

Step 4

  • Draw a shape such as an Easter Bunny outline or an Easter egg on one side of the cushion cover with a pencil.

  • Now cut the shoelaces or spare pieces of material into long enough strips and glue them along the outline with some fabric glue.

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Have fun getting creative with the whole family at Easter by making colourful Easter decorations with your children or creating some stylish table decorations for Easter Sunday. Creating Easter greetings cards or individually designed Easter nests are also a great way to get everyone into the Easter spirit.

Conclusion: homemade Easter decorations made easy

Easter themed arts and crafts are always great fun for children. Getting creative and creating some colourful crafts at Easter is the perfect way to get into the Easter spirit and to look forward to spring. To create a more balanced look in your home or if you’re not a fan of bright colours it is a good idea to also decorate for Easter with more subdued colours and natural materials.

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