Wedding anniversaries by year: wedding anniversary milestones
Married couples have promised each other eternal love and fidelity. Every year they celebrate these vows together or with friends and family. Each wedding anniversary has its own name and meaning. In addition, they are also associated with a specific element, plant or special wishes and have their own traditions. In this guide, you will find a small overview of all milestone wedding anniversaries by year, and you will also learn more about the different traditions. Let us inspire you to try out some of these traditions at your next wedding anniversary.
Milestone wedding anniversaries: names and traditions
As each year passes by, the traditions and gifts associated with the different wedding anniversaries become more meaningful and valuable. One’s first wedding anniversary is traditionally known as a paper anniversary. Whereas 70 years of marriage is celebrated as a platinum anniversary, and this is why it is symbolised by a strong and precious metal. Below, we have put together an overview of the most important wedding anniversaries by year so none of them will be forgotten:
5th wedding anniversary: wooden wedding anniversary
After five years of marriage your love has continued to flourish, and your marriage has grown stronger. The ‘wooden wedding anniversary’ symbolises growing roots, which refers to your relationship becoming stronger and more meaningful over time.
There are many traditions associated with a wooden wedding anniversary. In some cultures, the couple wear wooden shoes and have their first dance just like at their wedding. In other cultures, wood chips are scattered across the entrance of the couple’s home. Knocking on wood is also said to bring good luck on a 5th wedding anniversary.

10th wedding anniversary: tin wedding anniversary
A 10th wedding anniversary is also called a ‘tin wedding anniversary’. Tin is a resilient metal that is known for its inability to rust, which symbolises the flexibility and stability of your marriage.
Many couples celebrate their tin wedding anniversary by going on a second honeymoon or revisiting the place where they spent their first honeymoon.
12th wedding anniversary: silk & linen anniversary
Gifts made of silk and linen are traditional for a 12th wedding anniversary. These fine fabrics symbolise the life you've built together. This anniversary is also associated with pearls and jade. Both semi-precious stones are a symbol of love that's worth holding on to.
Wedding anniversary celebrations don't have to be expensive or elaborate. A romantic dinner for two is also a lovely way to turn this milestone into an unforgettable evening.
15th wedding anniversary: crystal wedding anniversary
Your marriage could be described as beautiful and fragile, like an ornate crystal vase after 15 years of marriage. A crystal wedding anniversary symbolises the clarity and transparency needed for a successful relationship. However, crystal is a fragile and precious material, which reminds you to take good care of each other.
Traditional gifts for a crystal wedding anniversary are cut-glass crystal vases, bowls and glasses. Engraved crystal champagne flutes are also a good way to make an unforgettable anniversary toast.
20th wedding anniversary: china wedding anniversary
Elegant and beautiful, but also delicate: a 20th wedding anniversary is represented by china and therefore reminds you how precious your marriage really is. China needs to be handled carefully to be long-lasting – just like love.
High-quality china is a traditional gift for a 20th wedding anniversary. However, dinnerware or little figurines are always a good choice as a gift to celebrate 20 years together.

25th wedding anniversary: silver wedding anniversary
25 years of marriage is truly a reason to celebrate! A silver wedding anniversary is a significant and admirable milestone in your life as a couple. Your marriage can now be described as one of the most valuable, shiny and durable metals.
Many couples celebrate their silver wedding anniversary by renewing their vows and/or spending a second honeymoon together. Gifts like silver jewellery and silverware are typical traditional gifts for a silver wedding anniversary. In some countries, it is even traditional to hang up a decorated fir wreath on your front door. Evergreen plants are especially suitable to commemorate this milestone, as they symbolise strength, endurance and, in some cultures, eternity.
30th wedding anniversary: pearl wedding anniversary
Pearls symbolise hidden beauty and purity, which is a meaningful reminder of the years you've spent together and the strong bond that you have maintained. Therefore, a 30th wedding anniversary is often called the ‘pearl wedding anniversary’. Unsurprisingly, pearl jewellery is a popular gift for a 30th wedding anniversary.
40th wedding anniversary: ruby wedding anniversary
With its beautiful crimson colour, the ruby truly represents your everlasting love. After 40 years together, your marriage is now rightfully compared to this precious gem. Some couples even add a ruby to their wedding rings to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary.

50th wedding anniversary: golden wedding anniversary
The golden wedding anniversary is truly a magnificent milestone! After 50 years of marriage, your love is as valuable, everlasting, and radiant as gold.
A 50th wedding anniversary is usually celebrated in a big way. Often, family members organise a big celebration with friends and relatives for the ‘golden’ couple. In some cultures, it is also traditional to hang up a golden wreath on the front door. Planting two fir trees in the name of the happy couple is also a tradition in some countries as it symbolises their eternal love.
60th wedding anniversary: diamond wedding anniversary
After 60 years together, your marriage is as strong as a sparkling diamond. Not every couple reaches this remarkable milestone, therefore one of the rarest and most valuable jewels in the world symbolises the strong bond of your marriage. Your love is now as indestructible and everlasting as a diamond.
70th wedding anniversary: platinum wedding anniversary
If you manage to reach this milestone together, you can look back on a life together, full of ups and downs that you have mastered together. Only very few couples have this good fortune. This is why, according to the Christian faith, these couples have been granted God's grace.
Every wedding anniversary milestone deserve a proper celebration! Anniversaries can be a great opportunity to bring family and friends together to spend some quality time with your loved ones.
The first major wedding milestone: silver wedding anniversary
Congratulations! After 25 years of marriage, you are now celebrating your silver wedding anniversary. Many couples are eagerly looking forward to this first big milestone. A silver wedding anniversary needs to be celebrated as your marriage is now just as precious and valuable as piece of silver.
It’s traditional to throw a small party to celebrate a silver wedding anniversary with family and friends. In our guide, you will find lots of great ideas and inspiration for your silver wedding celebration: from invitations and gift ideas to decorations and tips on getting the perfect outfit.

Invitations for your silver wedding anniversary: 4 great craft ideas
Beautifully designed invitations are not only a real eye-catcher, but they can also be beautiful keepsakes for your guests. If you would like to create some handmade invitations, you will find four beautiful craft ideas with step-by-step instructions in our article. We will also give you some tips on when you should send out your invitations to give guests enough time to RSVP.

Silver wedding anniversary decorations: Inspiration and craft ideas for elegant decor
Decorations in silver are an obvious, but elegant choice for your silver wedding anniversary. In this article you can find inspiration and some simple craft ideas for modern silver wedding decorations. We’ll also show you some ideas for table decorations, which are easy to make as well as some tips on making the room look elegant. These tips will help to make your evening feel extra special.

Unique 25th wedding anniversary gifts and DIY greeting cards
Lots of friends and relatives feel that it is important to give the couple an extra special gift on their silver wedding anniversary. However, the choice of gift is often not that easy, as most couples have received many gifts over their 25 years of marriage. In this article, you will find different creative gift ideas for the happy couple such as last-minute gift ideas or beautifully designed wrapping if you would like to give some money as a gift.
Don't forget to write your name on your silver wedding anniversary gift. Alternatively, you can also use a sticker. This way the happy couple will know who the present was from even if they get mixed up.

Tips on getting the perfect silver wedding anniversary outfit
As the silver wedding anniversary approaches both the happy couple and their guests may be wondering what they should wear for this special occasion. In this article, we will show you some ideas on how to put the perfect outfit together. The article also provides some tips on how the bride and groom can get matching outfits as well as some tips on what the guests should wear for this joyful occasion.
Half a century of love: golden wedding anniversary
After 50 years of marriage, you reach one of the most important wedding anniversaries of your life together: your golden wedding anniversary. Like the precious metal gold, your marriage symbolises eternity, consistency and a deep, precious bond that has deepened over decades. This extraordinary anniversary is traditionally celebrated with family and friends and is an occasion that should be honoured appropriately. Whether it's special invitation cards, sentimental gift ideas, stylish table decorations or tips for the perfect outfit, we’ll give you plenty of inspiration to make your golden wedding unforgettable.

Golden wedding anniversary invitations: DIY instructions
A personalised invitation is a great way to announce your golden wedding anniversary. For creative minds, it makes perfect sense to design the invitations yourself and choose a design that reflects your 50 years of marriage. In this article, we'll show you how to make beautiful invitations with simple materials that will make you look forward to your big celebration.

DIY table decorations for your golden anniversary celebration
How you decorate your table plays a crucial role in creating a cheerful atmosphere for your golden wedding anniversary. Homemade table decorations give your celebration a personal touch and allow you to design the decorations just the way you like them. We will give you creative ideas and simple DIY instructions for your table decorations.

DIY ideas for gifts & greeting cards for a golden wedding anniversary
Finding the right gift for a golden wedding anniversary can be a challenge, especially if the couple in question already have everything they need. Why not create something unique and personalised yourself? In this article, we will give you some DIY gift ideas that come from the heart. Whether it's creatively wrapped money gifts, personalised gift vouchers or a gift basket made with love, here you'll find inspiration and instructions that are sure to put a smile on the happy couple’s faces.

The perfect outfit for a golden wedding anniversary
Your golden anniversary outfit should do justice to the occasion and above all, it should be elegant. Whether you're the golden bride, groom or a guest, in this article, we will give you valuable tips for choosing a suitable outfit. From classic suits and cheerful dresses to elegant alternatives, we’ll give you ideas on how to look stylish and elegant on this special day.
References and further information
(Last accessed on 18.11.2024)
(Last accessed on 18.11.2024)
(Last accessed on 18.11.2024)
The image sources in this text are in chronological order
Cover photo: iStock.com/Luke Chan
1st image in text iStock.com/wundervisuals
2nd – 6th image in text: C&A
7th image in text: istock.com/ielanum
8th – 10th image in text: C&A
11th image in text: iStock.com/Rawpixel