Silver wedding anniversary invitation ideas
25 years of marriage needs a proper celebration! Many couples plan a big party with family and friends to celebrate this amazing milestone together. So that all your guests can prepare for the event and mark it in their calendars, it is worth sending out personalised silver wedding anniversary invitation cards. To make your invitation card more memorable, we have compiled several ideas on how you can easily make your own silver wedding invitations. We will also give you some tips on what to include in the invitation cards and when you should send them out.

Make your own nostalgic silver wedding anniversary invitations
The closer your silver wedding anniversary gets, the more you may think back to your wedding day. To remind all your guests of this beautiful day, it is a good idea to include a wedding photo on the invitations. We'll show you how to do this in our first craft idea.

Materials for the silver wedding anniversary invitations:
Silver craft paper
Tracing paper or transparent design paper
Thin satin ribbon
Sealing wax (as pellets or with wick)
A sheet of baking paper
A tea light or lighter
Scissors & glue
A printed wedding photo
Engraved wax seal stamp of your choice (e.g. with a 25, your initials or a heart)
Dried flowers or baby's breath
Instructions for a nostalgic silver wedding invitation:
1. First, fold the silver craft paper down the middle. This will serve as the basis for your invitation, in which you can write your invitation message later on.
2. Next, take your wedding photo and glue it in the middle of the front of your card.
3. Now, cut a strip of transparent paper to make a band for your silver wedding anniversary invitation. Decide how wide it should be and whether it should cover a corner of the photo to add a little extra charm. The band should be long enough to overlap the back of your card.
4. Place the band around your card and tape it neatly at the back.
5. Take the satin ribbon and wrap it twice around your card so that the ribbons cross at the front. You can either tie the ends together on the back or glue them neatly together.
6. Before you add the finishing touches to your silver wedding invitation, slide a piece of baking paper under the satin ribbon. This will prevent the seal from sticking to the ribbon.
7. Now, arrange your dried flowers and drip some sealing wax onto the stems and ribbon. Press your wax seal stamp into the wax and wait until it has cooled down a little, then remove the stamp. And voila! Your silver wedding anniversary invitation card is finished and can be sent out in a matching envelope!
You can also use a wax seal stamp for the envelope and your silver wedding anniversary decorations.

Silver wedding anniversary invitation cards with a modern twist
This lovingly designed silver wedding anniversary invitation will be a stunning eye-catcher, and your guests are sure to love it. It's very easy to make and you're likely to have the materials at home or you can get them from any craft shop. This way, you can start making your DIY silver wedding anniversary invitations straight away.

Materials for the unique silver wedding invitation card:
Kraft paper
Paper lace coasters
Satin ribbon in two different colours and widths
A pair of scissors & glue
Optional: a stamp with your initials
For a more elegant look, you can either buy a silver lace coaster or paint a white coaster silver. White and silver lace looks great if your card is in a dark colour.
Instructions for your unique silver wedding anniversary invitations:
Fold the sheet of kraft paper in half. This will form the base for your silver wedding anniversary invitation.
Place your lace coaster on the top left corner of your card. Once you’re happy with how it looks, trim the edges and stick it onto your card.
Next, wrap the satin ribbon around the front of your invitation card once and glue it neatly over your lace ornament. Repeat with the second thinner satin ribbon.
Cut a piece of the wider satin ribbon, tie a pretty bow and glue it over the spot where you joined the ends of the satin ribbon.
Finally, write or stamp your initials in the bottom right-hand corner of your card. You can also add a small quote if you wish. Now your card is ready to be sent off.
It is worth making at least one more card than you need so that you have a nice souvenir. It also allows you to quickly send out an extra invitation to your silver wedding anniversary celebration in case you forget someone.

DIY silver wedding anniversary invitations with confetti
If you would like to send out a fun and unique silver wedding invitation, you might like this idea. Your guests can also throw the confetti at the party. This idea for a silver wedding anniversary invitation is very quick and easy to make.

Materials for a fun silver wedding anniversary invitation:
A handwritten or printed invitation card
White and silver craft paper
Transparent paper or ready-made transparent bags
(Heart-shaped) confetti or dried flowers
A pair of scissors & glue
A black marker pen if necessary
Instructions for fun confetti invitations for your silver wedding anniversary:
1. For this craft idea you need a ready-made invitation card, which you can make yourself or have printed. Either put the invitation in a ready-made transparent bag or make one yourself out of transparent paper. You can use these instructions.
2. Fill the bag with silver or colourful hearts. Alternatively, you can use dried flowers. Once the bag is filled, fold over the top and glue it in place.
3. Next, measure the silver paper so that it is 1 cm longer than your bag at the top and reaches the bottom third of your bag at the bottom. Cut the paper to size and don't forget to cut out a small triangle at the bottom so that your swallow-tailed pennant has two tails.
4. You can use the silver pennant as a template to make a white one. To do this, simply measure 0.5 cm from the left, right and bottom edges towards the centre and cut out the smaller version. Next, write your names, the date of the party and/or a fun quote on the pennant.
5. Stick the white pennant on top of the silver one and attach both to the folded flap of your bag. Then fold the pennant forward once so that it adorns the front of your bag. Your silver wedding anniversary invitation is ready to be sent out.

A classic silver wedding anniversary invitation with hearts
What expresses the love and bond of 25 years of marriage better than cute hearts? This is a classic variation of a silver wedding anniversary invitation card that you can modify and personalise.

Materials for a classic silver wedding anniversary invitation:
Coloured craft paper
Design paper with lettering or fun patterns
Decorative pieces such as pearls or flowers
Adhesive pads
A pair of scissors, glue & a punch (if needed)
Instructions for a classic silver wedding anniversary invitation:
First, fold the coloured craft paper in half to create a blank card.
Then take the design paper and measure it so that it is about 5 - 10 mm smaller than the front of your invitation card all the way around.
Next, cut the ribbon so that you can place it over the front of the design paper and glue the ends flat to the back of the design paper. It looks nice if you cut the ribbon generously to lay it crosswise on the front.
Decorate the design paper as you wish. Small beads and punched-out hearts work well here and you can stick them onto the design paper with adhesive pads for a great 3D effect.
Finally, attach the design paper to the centre of the front of your card. After that, you only need to write the text and other important information on the inside of your silver wedding anniversary invitation.
Checklist for your DIY silver wedding anniversary invitations
What do you need to write in your invitations and how far ahead of time do you need to send them out? These are questions that many couples ask themselves when they are in the process of planning their 25th wedding anniversary celebration. We have put together a checklist of all the essential information that needs to be in your silver wedding anniversary invitations:
Date & time
Place & address of the location
Gift list or contact person for questions about gifts
Notes on the dress code
Possibly a request to contribute to the evening programme.
Possibly a list of accommodation options for the guests

To make sure you don't forget anyone, it is worth keeping a list of guests as well as a list of RSVPs. You can keep track of everything and follow up if you haven't received a reply yet. It is best to send out your invitation to your silver wedding anniversary as early as possible so that your guests can save the dateand take time off. You should send out your invitation at least eight weeks before your event is scheduled to take place.
Conclusion: make quick & easy DIY silver wedding anniversary invitations
A homemade invitation to your silver wedding anniversary will not only match the jovial atmosphere of your celebration, but it will also make a great memento of this day. With just a few materials, you can create an impressive invitation card in no time at all, which you can design and decorate in any way you like. With the help of these ideas, your guests will be waiting in anticipation to celebrate this special day with you.