Festival tips for whatever the weather
How to prepare for a festival
During your first festival visit you will experience a lot of new things. The memorable moments will stay with you for a long time, but they can also seem a bit overwhelming. To help keep you safe at major events we've summarised the most important festival tips on keeping cool, what to do in a thunderstorm and protecting your valuables.
Sun safety and how to stay cool at a festival
Anybody who dances for hours in the blazing sun will quickly notice the negative effects heat can have on the body. This is why sun safety is very important so that you don’t get sunburnt or suffer from a heatstroke. You will find the most important tips on sun safety at a festival below:
Make sure to drink enough water or unsweetened or non-alcoholic drinks. This way, it helps your body to cool down and it also compensates for any loss of fluids caused by excessive sweating.
It’s best to wear light, breathable fabrics such as: linen or lyocell. Materials that quickly absorb moisture and release it back into the environment can provide a pleasant dry feeling and support the body's thermoregulation.
Remember to apply and reapply sun cream even when it is slightly cloudy. It’s always wise to use a sun cream with a high SPF. UV rays can still be strong even when the sun is not shining.
At the front near the stage most of the time there isn’t much shade, therefore Suitable headwear is needed. Trendy headwear can help to complete your festival look and it also protects your head from direct sunlight at the same time. For optimal sun protection at a festival the piece of headwear should also cover your neck.
Using a gazebo or parasol at the campsite can help to create some shade. By doing so, you can take a break from the sun and relax in the shade.
Although chilled drinks may sound tempting your body needs to first acclimatise after drinking something quite cold. Then in turn you will start to sweat more. If you want to drink something refreshing due to the heat, then it’s best if you drink lukewarm beverages such as cooled peppermint tea. A water spray could also help to keep you cool, as the fine mist will make you feel cool and refreshed.

Festival rain tips: what to do in case of bad weather
A couple of raindrops won’t spoil your time at a festival, but if there is a cloud burst then it can start to spoil the high spirit atmosphere. In case it starts to rain you need to have the right things with you so that you can still enjoy the festival. We have summarised the most important points below, which you need to keep in mind in case of bad weather.
Surviving a festival in the rain: tips on how to stay dry
By being organised when packing you can be prepared for any type of weather at a festival, even if the weather forecast has promised bright sunshine.
Make sure to pack a raincoat and/or a rain poncho. Umbrellas are often seen as a nuisance at a festival as they block the view for other festivalgoers, or they simply just get in the way.
Make sure to choose sturdy shoes that can withstand the wet and muddy ground. If you don't want to wear wellington boots then hiking boots or lace-up boots can also be a good choice, depending on the weather. However, make sure to spray your shoes with a waterproof spray to protect them from any moisture.
By using zip lock bags or bin liners you can keep your belongings dry inside the tent. Smaller items can be kept in a zip lock bag, but a change of clothes and your sleeping bag should be packed in a bin liner and sealed tightly. This will ensure that you always have a dry change of clothes and that you can sleep somewhere dry.
A waterproof tent and/or a pavilion (possibly reinforced with a tent tarp) offers you somewhere to go, which is dry. This will help you to warm back up and to dry off in case of a long period of rain. In order to survive a festival in the rain it’s very important to be mindful of how and where you pitch your tent so that you can avoid any problems. It’s best to set up your tent somewhere where the ground is even to avoid any waterflow, which can cause big puddles or a mini flood. Therefore, it’s worth arriving earlier to ensure that you can find a good spot to set up your tent.
Festival storm tips: what to do in case of a thunderstorm
When a thunderstorm is approaching you should quickly seek shelter. Make sure to keep calm and use the official designated evacuation routes. You will also need to follow any instructions given by the members of staff at the festival. You can also follow these safety tips below in case of a thunderstorm:
You are safest in buildings with lightning conductors or areas marked as refuge areas. If there aren’t any then cars or camper vans with aluminium frames are a safe refuge. The metallic outer framework of the vehicle forms a Faraday cage that can dissipate the electrical charge of a lightning bolt into the ground. If you still have time, it is also a good idea to disconnect the 230 V cable from the power supply in your camper van.
By switching on your hazard warning lights, you can let other festivalgoers know that there is still room in your camper van in case anybody is still looking for shelter from the storm.
It’s best to avoid not going into the water or going up any hills. It is also important to keep a sufficient distance from high objects such as poles, trees, scaffolding, barriers, fences or the stage itself. Do not touch any metal parts or objects including umbrellas.
If you have to wait out a thunderstorm in an open area because you can't make it to your car in time, experts recommend looking for a ditch or a hole in the ground. Then Squat down, keep your feet tucked in and stay as low to the ground as possible. Keep your distance from other people and never lie spread out on the ground.
Tents are generally not a safe place of refuge during a thunderstorm. If you have no other option than to stay in the tent, make sure to sit on a dry, insulating surface such as a rubber pad or an air mattress. Again, crouch down and keep your feet tucked in and stay as close to the ground as possible. Keep your distance from any metal tent poles and the sides of the tent.
In case a storm is approaching or if there are any other dangers, which could arise there are often special announcements from the members of staff in which you are given important information (e.g., emergency assembly points) and instructions on what to do. You should listen carefully to these announcements and pay attention to them for your own safety.

Festival tips: the importance of hearing protection at festivals
The volume level at a festival depends on the type of festival and the music genre. Popular heavy metal music festivals can quickly reach volumes of between 100 and 120 decibels, which is roughly comparable to standing close range to a jackhammer.
If you are not used to such a high noise level then it can be a bit unpleasant, but it can also damage your hearing in the long term. Below we have a couple of tips on what you can do to help minimise your risk of damaging your hearing at a music festival:
Don’t stand too close to the loudspeakers as this is where the music is the loudest.
Give your ears a break every now and then. Take a break from loud noisy places and go for a walk for example along the edge of the festival grounds, where it is less noisy.
Use special hearing protection. Many festivals sell simple earplugs at a low price or even give them away for free. Festival earplugs are specifically designed for use at festivals and concerts. They have a sound-absorbing effect and protect against very loud noises and they don’t have much impact on the sound quality at all.
At large events such as festivals, concerts, sports events and public festivals there are always paramedics on site. It is best to find out where you can find the paramedics before arriving at the festival so that you can quickly inform them in case of any emergency. In other serious situations such as theft or any altercations between festivalgoers you should immediately inform the stewards, festival management or an on-site police officer.
Festival tips: looking after your valuables at a festival
There are usually big crowds and a lively upbeat atmosphere that you want to enjoy. To protect yourself from thieves in the hustle and bustle here are a couple of tips on how to look after your valuables:
Whilst packing make sure to focus on packing only the essentials and try not take any expensive belongings with you such as a camera. If you still have a pay as you go mobile phone, then leave your current smartphone at home.
Do not leave your valuables unattended in the tent. Even whilst sleeping keep your wallet, mobile phone or smartphone and keys in your sleeping bag rather than leaving them in the tent with your clothes.
Always carry your valuables on you such as smartphones, wallets, keys and car keys. It's best to put them in a bumbag or cross body bag so that nothing falls out of your trousers or jacket pockets whilst you're dancing or partying. This way no one can reach into your pockets unnoticed.
Putting a padlock on your tent has mixed views as it is advisable to protect against your tent getting broken into, but it could also encourage someone to try and burgle your tent. However, using a lock makes it more difficult for thieves to gain quick access to your tent. In addition, your campsite neighbours may notice more easily if someone is trying get into your tent. This said you should never rely on a padlock for security and therefore, never leave your valuables in your tent.
Conclusion: festival tips on how to prepare for a festival
Enjoy your stay at a festival to the fullest by being prepared for any weather - from sunshine and heat to rain and thunderstorms. It’s a good idea to wear clothes in layers when going to a festival. When choosing your outfit it is best to pack sturdy shoes and light airy clothing that you can quickly change depending on the weather. As well as preparing for any type of weather another important festival tip is to leave your valuables at home if possible and to always carry essential items such as your wallet and smartphone with you. Lastly, if you are an inexperienced festivalgoer you should think about how to protect your hearing from the loud noise at a festival.
References and further information:
(Last accessed on 31.07.2024)
(Last accessed on 31.07.2024)
(Last accessed on 31.07.2024)
(Last accessed on 31.07.2024)
The image sources in this text are in chronological order:
Cover photo: iStock.com/monkeybusinessimages
1. Image in text: iStock.com/SolStock
2. Image in text: iStock.com/momcilog
3. Image in text: iStock.com/PeopleImages