Yoga for beginners: Benefits and overview of the main types of yoga
Yoga is a true journey of relaxation for both body and mind. While the gentle exercises and soothing stretches strengthen your body and keep you fit, you can also significantly reduce your stress levels through targeted breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. Whether you are a beginner or want to practice yoga as a recreational sport, you are sure to find the right yoga style. In our guide, we introduce the different yoga styles and explain some of the health benefits of yoga.
Yoga for health: The effect of yoga on mind and body
Various researchers have studied yoga over the past few decades for its positive health effects. Numerous studies show positive effects on both our physical and mental condition.
Yoga makes you happy
Researchers at Charité Berlin found that yoga not only makes us healthy but also happier. They were able to prove that people who regularly practise yoga for three months feel less stressed, experience less anxiety in everyday life and generally rate their quality of life more positively.
Furthermore, people who have a good night’s sleep have more strength and energy in everyday life and a calmer mind. Studies at Harvard University in Boston have shown that regular yoga can reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and increase the duration of sleep.[1] That can lead to a healthier and happier lifestyle in the long run.
Yoga helps with back pain
Yoga can also help with back pain: In early 2016, US researchers treated three groups of 342 patients with long-term back pain each with traditional pain medication, cognitive behavioural therapy or yoga with a stress management programme. After 26 weeks of treatment, 61 % of the participants in the yoga group showed improvement, while the therapy with painkillers only led to improvement in 44 % of the group [2]. This suggests that not only does yoga improve your well-being, but regular yoga exercise improves your posture and makes you fitter all around.
Yoga is flexible
To enjoy all the positive effects of yoga on your health, you should choose exercises that suit you well and are tailored to your needs. Due to the diversity of the many different styles of yoga, you have a very wide range of exercises and stretches to try with an experienced yoga instructor. Yoga enriches us on many levels and is so versatile that you can always adapt the exercises to suit your mind and body [3].
Did you know that...
The right sportswear is very important in yoga. It allows you to move freely and perform all the exercises without hindrance. In addition, sportswear is breathable, so you don’t sweat as much.
Are yoga classes covered by health insurance?
Health insurance companies in some EU countries have long since discovered the potential of preventive measures and have included subsidies for their customers. Currently, depending on your health insurance and country, you can attend several courses per year in the areas of exercise, nutrition, addiction, and relaxation. In some cases, the insurance company may require proof of attendance and offer a part payment towards the course.
Which style of yoga suits you? – An overview of the most important types of yoga
Whether you are a yoga beginner and move less in everyday life or have been doing sports for many years: there is a suitable yoga style for everyone. The variety and characteristics of the different types of yoga are enormous, but that makes it more enjoyable to try out different options and find the right yoga style for yourself.
In the following articles we will introduce you to some yoga styles and give you an introduction to the world of yoga:

Introduction to important yoga terms and philosophy
Yoga can be much more than just a sport. For many, yoga is a way of life that shapes all your actions, your thoughts, your knowledge and how you interact with yourself and the world. Here you will learn how yoga came to be and how it can have a positive impact on your life. We also introduce you to important yoga terms that you may encounter during your yoga practice.

Yoga styles: Hatha Yoga - The classic yoga
The most original and probably the best-known type of yoga is Hatha Yoga. It is over 3,000 years old and consists of physical and breathing exercises as well as meditations. Most of today’s yoga styles originate from Hatha Yoga. We show you what is important in this style of yoga and what you need to know for your Hatha Yoga course.

Yoga styles: Dynamic yoga for fitness
Even without a spiritual element, you can experience the positive health effects of yoga. Today, yoga is used as a full-body workout, especially in Western culture. We show you different yoga styles that make you fit for everyday life and make you sweat.

Yoga styles: Yoga relaxation to reduce everyday stress
Quiet yoga exercises can help you relax your mind and free yourself from the stresses of everyday life. Meditations also help you to find more inner peace and balance. We’ll show you some relaxing styles of yoga and two simple yoga exercises for you to try out at home.

Yoga for beginners: Easy yoga exercises to do at home
This little yoga flow is the perfect introduction for all yoga beginners. Here you will find seven yoga exercises for regular yoga sessions at home. Practicing the yoga basics introduces you gently to the world of yoga and strengthens your back intensively at the same time. This way you can improve your posture and prevent back pain.

Yoga for pregnant women: Simple exercises to try
Yoga during pregnancy can be a soothing balance to all the exciting changes you’re going through. We show you five calm exercises that can accompany experienced yogis and yoga beginners through pregnancy. They will calm your mind and help your body to cope with its new tasks.
As you can see, yoga has numerous benefits and is a good workout even for beginners. Whether with friends in a class or all by yourself, you can try yoga anywhere. After a while, you will notice how the exercises can have a positive effect on your body and your thoughts. The most important thing in any yoga practice: to have fun!
[1] https://yourya.org/yoga-and-sleep/
(accessed 05.10.2021)
[2] https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2504811
(accessed 05.10.2021)
[3] https://www.atlanticspineclinic.com/chiropractic-blog/344/Different+Types+of+Yoga+and+Their+Benefits
(accessed 05.10.2021)
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