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What should a well-fitting bra look like? A young woman wearing a comfortable bra that fits well.

How should a bra fit? Finding a comfortable bra

Straps that slip off, a band that digs into your skin or cups that stick out: these are typical problems that most women have encountered at some point. These signs show you that your bra does not fit properly. Finding the perfect bra means not only knowing your correct bra size, but also getting the right fit. We will show you step by step how to find a bra that fits properly and how to adjust your bra to fit your body perfectly.

Find your new perfect bra

Does your bra fit well? A woman wearing a bra with cups that have a good fit.

How should bra cups and bridge fit?

Your breasts should completely fill the cups. If the cups don’t lie flat against your bust, you may be wearing a size too large. If the cups dig into your skin and your breasts bulge, the cup size is too small.

If you have a very large bosom, the cups could be cut too low for you. In this case, you could try a bra with a higher neckline, such as a full-coverage bra.

Pay attention to the bridge when checking the fit of your bra. This is the area in the middle of your bra between the two cups that connects them. The bridge should lie flat on your chest and it should not dig into your skin or stick out.

What is the perfect fit for a bra? A woman wearing a bra with a straight bra band.

How should the bra band fit?

Most of the weight of the bust should be carried by the bra band and not by the straps. This is why it is particularly important to go for a bra with the right underbust measurements that can give you enough support. Your bra band should have a close fit around your body, but make sure it doesn't dig into your skin. If you can still fit two fingers under the band, it fits perfectly. When you look in the mirror, you should be able to see that the back of the bra runs vertically.

You can tell if a band is too small if it digs into your skin or it generally feels too tight. However, if the cups fit well, see if you can move the fastening hooks to a wider position. Alternatively, if it is just a few centimetres too short, you could try a bra extender. Otherwise, you may need a new bra with a larger underbust size.

On the other hand, you may not notice it straight away, but if a bra band is too loose the supportive function will not work. The wrong weight distribution can lead to the straps digging painfully into your skin. You can tell if your band is too tight, if the back of the bra pulls upwards or rides up when you move. In this case, you should move the hooks to a narrower position. If this doesn’t work, you may need a new bra with a smaller underbust size.

Tip: There is a little trick you can use to see if the bra band fits perfectly: if you pull the straps down off your shoulders, the bra should still almost remain in place.


When you buy your new bra, make sure that it fits well with the hooks in a wider position. You should choose the middle position on a 3-hook fastener and the widest position if it has a 2-hook fastener. This ensures that you can adjust the fit of your bra over time because even quality bras can stretch out a little if you wash and wear them often.

What is the right bra fit? A woman wearing a bra that fits well in different positions and whilst moving.

How should bra straps fit?

The straps of a well-fitting bra only provide a small part of the support. It is important that the straps sit comfortably on your shoulders. Straps that are too short dig into the shoulders and often cause the bra to slip up and over the bust when you move. On the other hand, straps that are too long will constantly slip down off your shoulders.

This is why it is important to adjust your bra straps to suit your shoulders. If your shoulders are not quite level, you may need to adjust the length of the straps individually.

Tip: Although the bra band provides most of the support and stability in a bra, the straps also play an important role in how comfortable the bra is. Especially if you have a larger cup size, it is important that your bra has a wide bra band and wide, padded straps to help distribute your weight.


If you only have a slight problem with the fit of your bra, then in some cases it can help to check your sister size. For instance, if you have the feeling that your cups are just a little too tight, you can choose a larger cup size in combination with a smaller underbust size. For example, instead of an 80 B, you can try a 75 C.

Is your bra comfortable? The bra band should be level across your back.

Bra fitting checklist for a well-fitting bra

The first time you try on your bra, you should adjust it to fit your body as perfectly as possible. You can use our checklist below to help you find the right fit.

  1. Bra band: close the bra in the widest hook position. If the bra has three hooks, you can use the middle position. Check that the band is at the same height on the front and back and that it is straight. It should not dig into your skin or move up your back.

  2. Cups: make sure that the cups completely enclose your breasts. It can be helpful to lift your breasts into the cup with your hand to adjust them. The cups should not dig into your skin or stick out.

  3. Straps: adjust the straps on your shoulders, until they feel comfortable. They should not slip off your shoulders or dig into your skin.

Discover your new favorite bra now

FAQ’s ­– finding the perfect bra fit

Why do your bra cups stick out? What can you do if a bra feels tight on your ribs? We will answer these questions and more about how to find a comfortable bra.

My bra feels tight on my ribs – is that normal?

If your bra is causing pain in your ribs, it is telling you that the underwire is pressing too hard against your ribs. This is usually a clear sign that your bra band is too small or that the type of bra you’re wearing doesn’t fit your body well. Therefore, when buying a bra, make sure that the bridge between the cups sits flat on your chest. It should not dig into your skin or stick out around the chest. The underwire should sit lightly on your ribs.

Find the perfect underwire bra

If you find underwire bras uncomfortable even though you are wearing the right size, you could try a wireless bra.

Discover our comfortable wireless bras
How do I know if my bra is too tight?

Usually, you can feel if your bra is too tight after wearing it for a while:

  • The underwire presses against your ribs.

  • The bra band and the hooks dig into your skin and leave visible pressure marks.

  • You feel restricted in your movement and may have difficulty breathing.

You should take these signs seriously because a poorly fitting bra can cause headaches, neckache, back pain and even result in postural problems. You can do the following:

  • Find out what your current bra size is and compare it to the cup and band size of your current bras.

  • Your bra should be comfortable when the hooks are in the widest or middle position. So check to see if you are wearing your bra in a position that is too tight.

  • If the cups fit well and only the bra band is too tight, you can adjust your bra by simply moving the hooks to a wider position. A bra extender can also help if you are only a few centimetres short.

  • The straps may also be too short. Lengthen the straps a little and see if your bra has a better fit.

My bra won’t lie flat – what can I do?

If your bra cups stick out from your chest, it is either poorly fitted or you have the wrong cup size. Check that the straps are not too loose. If that doesn't help, try a bra in a smaller cup size or a bra style with a lower neckline (such as a push-up or balconette bra).

Conclusion: is your bra uncomfortable? Check your fit!

A bra that fits properly is essential for your everyday life. Bra straps that dig into your skin or a bra band that is too tight are not only uncomfortable, but they don’t give you the support you need. Over time, this can lead to back pain or worse problems with your posture. Therefore, it is not only important to know your correct size, but also to know how to adjust a bra so that it fits your body perfectly.

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