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Innovative European textile manufacturing

For the transition to sustainability, it’s time to rethink the fashion industry. So, we are thinking more holistically, by establishing a factory in the heart of Germany, questioning everything we know and finding alternative solutions. Starting with the most popular wardrobe staple: blue jeans.

The fashion
with your jeans!


FIT – The factory for textile innovation

FIT is our contribution to establishing a more digital and sustainable supply chain and manufacturing process. One of the key features of this is operating a factory locally. FIT enables us to create an environment in which processes are continuously evaluated and optimised. So, we can make your denim a little bit more sustainable each and every day.

Feel comfortable in your own skin. Because you know exactly where your jeans are coming from.

Sustainability Closer than Ever

  • Our factory has a sustainable supply chain as all the components are sourced in Europe.

  • Transport over shorter distances – thanks to a central manufacturing location in Germany

  • Sustainable fashion that is closer to you

Our initiative for long-term change: the FIT lab

We work every day to find more environmentally-friendly materials and more efficient processes. We don’t have all the answers yet. We fail and learn. We’ll keep going until we make the fashion industry sustainable. Progress we have made:

Collaborations with universities and start-ups

e.g., Hochschule Niederrhein, Textil Academy NRW, RWTH Universität Aachen

  • Rollout of an energy and sustainability management system
  • Developing new methods of recycling for waste cuttings
  • Robotics process automation

Artificial intelligence and digitalisation

  • More agile: Traditional sewing lines have been replaced with automated machinery that collaborates with workers
  • Monitoring general manufacturing processes, more efficient production and energy and water consumption

FIT at a glance



Fabrics sourced in Europe

100% renewable energy (wind and solar)

No bleaching agents or stone washing

AI-driven automation and digitalisation


Fabrics sourced in Europe

100% renewable energy (wind and solar)

No bleaching agents or stone washing

AI-driven automation and digitalisation

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Smaller ecological footprint

Zero-carbon manufacturing

FIT lab initiative for new industry standards

Transport over short distances

Up to 800,000 jeans yearly

Smaller ecological footprint

Zero-carbon manufacturing

FIT lab initiative for new industry standards

Transport over short distances

Up to 800,000 jeans yearly

We are so proud – Forever Denim jeans made in Europe