Our Suppliers’ Factory List
We aim to continuously increase transparency in our supply chain. Our relationships with our suppliers have been developed over many years. We emphasize transparency. Only by knowing our supply chain partners, we can holistically understand the situation on the ground and learn about areas which needs improvement.
Together with our suppliers, we can address such issues and create direct impact for the people who make our clothes. We monitor the human rights conditions in our supply chain to ensure our standards are upheld and continually improved.
In 2016, C&A signed the Human Rights Transparency Pledge. Since then, C&A discloses the location and additional information of all our suppliers’ garment (cut & sew) factories producing for C&A, as well as their printing and embroidery units, laundries and dye houses.
We also disclose fabric mills, further wet process units as well as man-made cellulose production facilities in our public supplier list which is available on the Open Supply Hub platform. Open Supply Hub is an accessible, collaborative, supply chain mapping platform, used and populated by stakeholders across sectors and supply chains.We update this list every 6 month to ensure that the information provided is up to date and relevant to our stakeholders.
To access C&A’s Suppliers’ Factory List please click here.