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Women’s Day 2021!


A woman’s point of view - Visions for future generations


If you could get one good advice from an exceptional woman for any area of your life, what would you ask? You don’t have to choose one now – we have all the answers.

For this year’s International Women’s Day on March 8th, we met inspiring women with extraordinary paths. From a Paralympics gold medalist to a renowned TV host, from an aspiring astronaut to a body activist – all of them shared pieces of knowledge with us, for you. Stemming from their experience in difficult career trajectories, juggling a busy family life, fighting for a cause, standing up for equality in a multicultural society… and many more.

Enjoy our compilation of the most valuable insights from our inspiring women’s POV here and on our social media channels at @ca.

”My work for RosaMag contributes to a narrative which enables more visibility for black women.”

Sandra Bilson

Editor, journalist, podcaster

”I wish for women to equally contribute to all aspects of our daily lives – socially, politically, economically. A world where women are not reduced to their looks, staying true to oneself while empowering and lifting each other up.

My work for RosaMag contributes to a narrative which enables more visibility for black women. It is about showing black role models who inspire others, without drifting into stereotypes. We communicate that being black and German is not a contradiction.”

Sandra works as an editor at RosaMag. When she doesn’t write or take part in panel talks about inclusion in a multi-cultural society, Sandra hosts the podcast ‘Triple E’ to offer more visibility to BIPOC success stories.

@rosa_mag & @sandra.uniquedignity

”For the future, I wish for a world where we don’t speak of ‘women’ and ‘men’ and our differences.”

Anna Schaffelhuber

Multiple Paralympics winner, teacher

”Sometimes you learn more from an upsetting situation than from experiencing victory. Even when things don’t work out immediately, we learn which strategies don’t work and how to adapt them for success. I am not afraid to try out new things. The world belongs to those who are courageous.

For the future, I wish for a world where we don’t speak of ‘women’ and ‘men’ and our differences. We need more women who spread the message - we don’t think and act on our ‘differences’.”

Anna is a seven-time Paralympics gold medalist. After her professional sports career, she decided to become a teacher. She is also the initiator of the ‘Grenzenlos’ (limitless) camps for teenagers and young adults with and without disabilities.


”It is important to support young, female talents!”

Frauke Ludowig

TV host, working-mum

”We can empathize with the challenges of others, neighbors, friends, family members. I think, this is a tremendous chance. We can become even stronger as a society.

It is important to support young, female talents and also to challenge them! Telling them, you can start a family, have children, look after your household – and still be able to have a career. It is extremely fun to network amongst women.”

Frauke is a German TV host and is the head of the VIP department at German TV channel RTL. She has been in the media business for over 25 years and is known to be an advocate for female empowerment, as well as speaking out on breast cancer detection, dyslexia and apoplexy care, all while balancing her career, her family and supporting social causes.


”I fight for equality. No woman should be left out or discriminated from or in any kind of sports.”

Zeina Nassar

Champion, fighter, driving force

”In sports, I learned to get back up again after being defeated and to never give up. It’s worth it to fight for your goals, to invest time and effort into them, while others might give up. These experiences made me grow and I want to pass them on to younger generations.

I fight for equality. This is why it is important to offer more visibility to female athletes for equal opportunities and support. No woman should be left out or discriminated from or in any kind of sports.”

Zeina is a six-time Region Berlin boxing champion and in 2018 she won the German champion. Her fight against a discriminatory rule which prohibits women to professionally compete in headscarves, longsleeves and leggings in Germany also contributed to the amendment of this rule by the International Boxing Associations. She aims to perform at the Olympic Games.


”I wish, we wouldn’t talk about women, but to women.”

Insa Thiele-Eich

Meteorologist, prospective astronaut, climate scientist

”Flexibility and creativity have always been important and are now more than ever. However, to attain true resilience, we need honest and authentic human connections, starting with a healthy relationship with ourselves. And: a sense of humor above all.

I wish, we wouldn’t talk about women, but to women. We are not a special sub-category but humans who equally contribute to society. And most of all, I wish that my daughters’ children won’t have a clue what I am talking about here.”

Insa is a meteorologist, climate scientist and astronaut-in-training. She aims to become the first German woman in space. She is also the co-author of a children’s book called “Our path to space” to inspire the next generation and spark an interest in STEM careers.


”I hope future generations will be able to dream big and achieve big things no matter where they come from.”

Charlotte Kuhrt

Self-love activist, model, influencer

”If 2020 taught me anything, it is that you need to listen to your own needs and that you will never be able to please everyone, so you might just need to do what feels best for you.

I hope future generations will be able to dream big and achieve big things no matter where they come from, what they look like or what gender they identify with. I am really pleased to see that so many women nowadays raise their voices and speak up. I hope there will be a day when women can do so without being called ‘bossy’ or ‘emotional’”

Charlotte Kuhrt is a self-love activist, plus-size model and successful influencer. She actively campaigns for body positivity. On Instagram, she shows her community and the rest of the world that sizes do not matter and fashion can be worn in any size. She wants to inspire people to accept and love themselves.


”My vision for women is more freedom to do and achieve whatever we want. More equal opportunities to make a difference.”

Katharina Wohlrab

Podcaster, feminist, trauma activist

“Inner peace is the new success and health is the new wealth. 2020 and 2021 have been and will be years in which we understand what is truly important to us – our own mental and physical wellbeing.

My vision for women is more freedom to do and achieve whatever we want. More equal opportunities to make a difference. More support to really reach new heights together.”

Katharina is a podcaster, feminist and trauma activist. She stands up for equal rights and closing the gender pay gap. She encourages to be and love who you want and also teaches this as a tutor for computer science in elementary school. Her podcast ‘Trauma Weiter’ depicts traumas and supports victims of sexual violence to overcome and heal from it.


”I wish for equal educational models with equal opportunities for all genders when climbing the career ladder.””

Julia Ley

Mother, career woman, leader

”I wish to see parents splitting parental leave equally. Organizations must restructure and enable sharing models that also work on leadership level. Women still take the biggest chunk when it comes to caring for young children at home after giving birth.

We need to talk about the pointless ‘women’s quota’ in leadership roles. It shouldn’t be about how there are ‘not enough’ women in top positions - as soon as children appear in the picture, it is the start of a very difficult balancing act. I wish for equal educational models with equal opportunities for all genders when climbing the career ladder.”

Julia is the Lead for Content Marketing and Brand Communications at C&A Europe. She is currently on maternity leave with her third child and has been with the company for over 15 years.



International Women's Day 2021 - we are celebrating strong women and their visions